Improving Pressure Ulcer Prevention Research!

The TVS, on behalf of the OUTPUTs project group (Prof Jane Nixon, Dr Susanne Coleman, Ms Delia Muir, Prof Katrin Balzer, Prof Jan Kottner and Ms Anna Lechner), would like to ask you to participate in a survey about what outcomes you think are most important in clinical pressure ulcer prevention research. Thereby you can contribute to the improvement of clinical trials on pressure ulcer prevention

The aim of the OUTPUTs project is to develop a “Core Outcome Set” to improve the quality and comparability of future pressure ulcer prevention research.  Further information about this project can be found via this link

The survey takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and with your permission, you will be contacted with some follow up surveys (a maximum of 3 surveys over about a 7 month period). This will allow participants to reflect on the views of other participants.

Closing date for entries is  31 January 2021 All responses will be processed and summarised anonymously. 

To complete the survey/find out more, please click here