Have you had a venous leg ulcer?

Researchers from the University of Manchester are undertaking several projects about venous leg ulcers. They need the input of people who have (or have had) a leg ulcer and would like to hear from you or your patients if you are interested in offering your opinions.

They are particularly interested in hearing from you if:

• you have had a leg ulcer at the moment
• you have used compression bandages or stockings
• you have used adjustable compression wraps

There are a variety of ways that you can be involved and if you join the University in their work, reimbursement for your time is available.

To find out more, please contact…

Ross Atkinson (Research Fellow),
Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work,
5.332 Jean McFarlane Building,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL

Telephone: 0161 306 7661

Email: ross.atkinson@manchester.ac.uk