Applications have now closed! All submissions are currently being reviewed by the Panel and you will be notified of their decision in due course.

Thank you for your support

If you are developing a research idea and would like peer review and some critique from an inter-disciplinary wounds research audience, submit an abstract of your project proposal/protocol for oral presentation with critical questioning and an audience vote on the ‘best’ proposal.

  • Submission can be based on any aspect of clinical wounds research or large scale audit and may include trials, epidemiological studies, pilot and feasibility studies or associated methodological research.
  • Generic names must be used for all references to products. Papers containing brand names or company names in the abstract text) will be rejected.
  • Projects must be investigator led. Industry or industry funded projects will not be considered.
  • WReN reserves the right to reject submissions or to request changes prior to their acceptance. In all such cases the reviewers’ decision will be final.