Diabetic Foot Ulcers – Completed Studies

Concordance in diabetic foot ulceration: a cross-sectional study of agreement between wound swabbing and tissue sampling in infected ulcersClick here for more information on the study
CODIFI 2Randomised controlled trial of swab versus tissue sampling for infected diabetic foot ulcers, and comparison of culture versus molecular processing techniquesClick here for more information on the study
Randomised controlled trial of the use of three dressing regimens in the management of chronic ulcers of the foot in diabetes
Click here for more information on the study
HEELSHeel casts do not improve heel ulcers in diabetesClick here for more information on the study
Leucopatch IILeucopatch in the management of hard to heal diabetic foot ulcersClick here for more information on the study
Predicting foot ulceration in people with diabetes:An analysis of Individual Patient Data Click here for more information on the study
Reducing Foot Plantar Pressure (ReFPres) in people with diabetes using an instant insole solutionA mixed methods pilot studyClick here for more information on the study
Defining outcome measures for acute Charcot neuroarthropathy in Diabetes and their use in assessing clinical management The aim of the study will be to assess the feasibility of the use of serial magnetic resonance imaging to reduce treatment times in Charcot
neuroarthropathy in people with diabetes
Click here for more information on the study
DASIDUSystematic review for Decision Analysis in Sampling Infected Diabetic UlcersClick here for more information on the study
An evidence-based evaluation of the clinical and cost effectiveness of foot ulcer risk assessment and structured care interventions for people with diabetesClick here for more information on the study