The Wounds Research Network (WReN) was initiated by a small group of professionals involved in wound research. The Group held its first inaugural meeting Cardiff in 2016, and has continued to hold annual meetings alongside the Society of Tissue Viability’s conference programme for the last 6 years.
Good quality research is essential to underpin clinically and cost effective wound prevention and treatment.
The UK research community is highly active in wounds research but at present there is no unifying organisation to link research-active individuals and communities with each other and with research active NHS centres.
WReN is currently being supported by a grant from the Society of Tissue Viability (formerly the TVS).
Target Groups
WReN will actively seek to recruit a diverse range of stakeholders and clinical and academic professionals with an interest in wounds research, for example:
- Surgeons
- GPs
- Diabetologists
- Dermatologists
- Podiatrists
- Nurse Specialists
- Service Users
- Statisticians
- Health Economists
- Clinical Trialists
- Trial Managers
- Clinical Research Nurses
- Trainees